Monday, May 19, 2014

{what I haven't told you}

Mostly that title was to catch your attention. But now that I have it I might as well update you on the past, present, and future events of the all so interesting life of me.
After finals murdered all happiness, I journeyed to one of my favorite states, Arizona of course, and regained my happiness and caught up with old friends. The nice thing about old friends is they are reliable (obviously since you've stayed friends for so long), you never run out of things to talk about cause you haven't seen them in a million years (I saw them last summer, it just feels like a million years), and if you're close enough- it's as if you were never apart! They also save your behind when plans fall through and you're bored, so basically all the time. Thank goodness for Chelsea Jackson!
I've managed to stay at home for 4 days and I'm planning on staying for a record breaking 2 weeks. (Although a friend did just call and suggest a weekend road trip to Vegas.....) Lucky me, I've been thrown back into the loop of chores and lawn work andd errands andddd etc., but I figure they feed me, clothe me, house me, and send me on fun trips....might as well comply.
Speaking of fun trips, I make the lovely 13 hour flight to Switzerland in 12 days!!!! If you can't tell by the exclamation points, I'm excited out of my mind. I'm traveling with a study abroad group through USU (go aggies) and seeing all the possible sights that one can see in all 23 days of class. And when I say we're traveling all 23 days, I mean we travel ALL 23 days. Just to give you a small insight into what we'll be doing, some of the hikes we will be
 [1.] the base of the Iger mountain
 [2.] Up to the Matterhorn (yes the real one, not the one at Disneyland)
[3.] Hiking/snowshoeing through a pass to a hospice and staying with the monks for 3 days
 [4.] two pilgrimages one of which is 18 miles long
[5.] A bunch of random hikes in the Alps.
Not to mention we spend a whole day touring a chocolate factory and get to taste EVERY CHOCOLATE WE DESIRE. For. Free. Yes I can only pack 45 pounds for 7 weeks; yes I will bring back 10 pounds of chocolate to share. I get 12 credits for having the time of my life. After my 23 of class days are up, some friends and I are spending an extra week in Switzerland, then off to Rome for 4 days, then to Paris for 5, then flying out of Belgium back to the US of A.
So for now I must be patient and wait till my adventure begins. But lets be honest, every day is an adventure with me.

{this is obviously Chelsea, besties for 12 years (insert fist pump)}
{Welcome home Jill. Lets throw you in the pool}
{Obviously me skiing in the Alps}
{Found this photo at grandmas'. Couldn't resist, had to share for the benefit of others}